Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0

The transition to a new phase of business management, the so-called INDUSTRY 4.0 comes from a term coined by the German government in November 2011 to define an industrial strategy that promotes the development of the computerization of industries, in particular manufacturing, with the aim of creating the "Smart Factory", efficient and ergonomic.

In this system gathering really significant information on the progress of production in real time will be the goal, then moving from big data to SMART data. Thanks to this information it is possible not only to react immediately to any production problems but also to know the progress of orders in real time, the status of the machines, the placement of materials, the factory performance, implementing optimization and reconfiguration actions. of production processes to bring the factory to maximum efficiency. All this implies a part of wireless connections, but also a good portion of control, measurement, data transmission cables that with IMCAVI consultancy you can identify and choose in the best way for your needs.